Smartlock Repairs and Replacements

by Lock It Tight Locksmith


At Lock It Tight we aim to keep up with lock technology and these pictures provide examples of just some of the many Smartlocks I have fitted across the Dorset area.

Technology is evolving all the time and so are digital Smartlocks. These locks offer enhanced security features, convenience and integration with smart home systems.

Digital Smartlocks provide various access methods: such as keyless entry, smartphone controls and even biometric options.

Get in touch to see how we can update your lock to Smartlocks

Image of a Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Image of a Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Image of a Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Image of a Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Image of a Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith
Smartlock fitted by Lock It Tight Locksmith

*We aim to be with you within 30 - 60 minutes and we will work on all aluminium, upvc, composite and wooden doors.

*We can upgrade your lock to a Smartlock

*We can replace your lock if the key is snapped off in it

If you ask any of the following then Lock It Tight Locksmith can help:

How can I get back into my house?
Help I've locked myself out - what do I do?
How can I make my doors more secure?
My house has been burgled how can I make entrance through my doors more difficult?